Conflicts of Interest

Transparency and avoiding bias in research are core values of the STEEP lab.

Dr. Reese reports the following relationships

  1. Grants to his institution as principal investigator to support research into transplantation using organs from donors with hepatitis C virus infection from Merck (past) and Gilead.
  2. A grant to his institution as coinvestigator to support research into xeno-organ therapy to support patients with advanced liver disease from eGenesis.
  3. A grant from the Leonard Davis Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, supported by a gift from Monogram Health, to develop educational resources for kidney transplantation
  4. Grants from the National Institutes of Health
  5. Payment from the American Journal of Kidney Diseases for his role as Associate Editor
  6. Work as an expert witness primarily focused on the complications and costs of kidney transplant care for individual plaintiffs