Team / Current Investigators

Marina Serper
Marina Serper is an Instructor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Philadelphia VA Medical Center in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Dr. Serper additionally has a Master’s Degree in Health Services and Outcomes Research. Her research interests include determinants of medication non-adherence its relationship to health outcomes in transplantation and chronic viral hepatitis, medication safety, health communication, health literacy, healthcare delivery and healthcare quality. Under the mentorship of Dr. Reese, Dr. Serper was recently awarded the Penn Leonard Davis Institute Roybal Center pilot grant to evaluate effective strategies in promoting adherence to Hepatitis C therapy, along with a related ITMAT/CHIBE grant to promote post-transplant health via exercise. Dr. Serper additionally collaborates with Dr. Reese on multiple projects related to medication understanding and adherence in liver and kidney transplantation.